
Corporate compliance

About us

About us

Control system Legislative Decree 231/2001
and Code of Ethics

Iscot has an internal control and risk management system as part of its organisational model, which is the set of rules, procedures and organisational structures designed to enable the identification, measurement, management and monitoring of the main risks.

The internal control and risk management system guidelines and direction have been defined, with the assistance of the Supervisory Board, by the company’s Board of Directors.

The Code of Ethics is the tool that defines the Iscot Group’s set of ethical values and responsibilities.

The Code of Ethics also identifies the rules of conduct that must guide internal and external management and relations.

Compliance with the Code of Ethics also helps prevent the risk of committing the offences included in Legislative Decree 231/2001 in the context of the specific activities we perform. Compliance with the contents of the Code of Ethics by all those working for Iscot is of fundamental importance for the Group’s smooth operation, reliability and reputation.

Our Model includes specific mechanisms for reporting issues related to ethical conduct and compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/2001. Any interested party can report any violations or suspected violations of the Code of Ethics or of the control principles laid down in the Model itself to the Supervisory Board using the following e-mail:

About us

Whistleblowing and SA8000

In compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 24/2023, the Organisation and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001, and the Social Accountability 8000 standard, Iscot has adopted a whistleblowing management system that allows us to manage the reports we receive.

We ensure the receipt, analysis and processing of reports submitted by all persons concerned.

These are reports concerning conduct by Iscot’s employees or contractors in violation of the Code of Ethics, laws, regulations, provisions of the Authorities, Model 231, the SA8000 standard voluntarily applied by Iscot, and in any case likely to cause damage or harm to Iscot. The results of the investigation conducted by Iscot’s Compliance Office on reported cases are submitted to the attention of the internal bodies responsible for handling the reports, the Board of Statutory Auditors, and, for reports falling within their respective competences, the Supervisory Board and Iscot’s senior management.

Confidentiality of the subjects and facts reported is guaranteed.

A detailed information sheet describing Who can report, What can be reported and How to report can be downloaded from the following link: